To acknowledge Mental Health Awareness Week last week (10th-16th May 2021), we took the time here at SJMT to promote the message of good mental health for all. This years theme is ‘nature’ and the benefits it can have to improve mental health and wellbeing. Research shows that going for walks and getting outside in green spaces is one of the best strategies for good mental wellbeing,
SJMT is an Almshouse Charity and gardens are an important part of our heritage. We know how connecting with nature can reduce feelings of social isolation and prevent distress.
The mental health of our staff is really important to us and all of our staff have access to 24 hour support both by telephone and online, as well as face to face counselling and mental health training. Last year we also introduced an annual wellbeing day for all staff so that they can do something away from work during work-time to promote their wellbeing.
The mental health and wellbeing of our Residents here is of the upmost importance. We have introduced some new members to Alexandra House, and Residents are loving them. Introducing our new fidget toy octopuses. Fidget toys are great for people of all ages, particularly if they are feeling distressed, as they have a soothing or calming effect which can also improve concentration and focus. It is specifically noted that those with dementia can find these such toys a way of communicating their emotions to staff