Compliments, Comments, Concerns and Complaints
We actively encourage people to make comments and, if appropriate, complain about aspects of the service we provide.
Your views and suggestions are important. We would like you to tell us about your experiences so that we continue to provide quality services that are in line with our values.
Please see the following link to our Compliments, Comments, Concerns and Complaints Leaflet and Form.
Compliments, Comments, Concerns and Complaints Leaflet and Form
Compliments, Comments, Concerns and Complaints Policy and Procedure.
Trustee Reports and Financial Statements - Financial Year 2018/19

& Financial Statements For the Financial year ending March 31st 2019
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Our Strategy 2018-2023 - 'Building on Strong Foundations'
Having a Strategy is really important to us. It sets our plan of action to achieve our Vision and Mission in the future. It helps us plan how we will prioritise and allocate our resources. As our Strategy is so vital, we wanted to ensure that people involved across the Trust and beyond had an opportunity to have a say in what our future looks like.
To achieve this, in the winter of 2017, we did some research and looked at what we’d previously achieved and what we hadn’t done. We spoke to lots of different people to find out what they thought about our ideas and to see if they felt if we had missed anything. We spoke to partner organisations and frontline workers (including our own staff) to see what they saw as the needs and gaps. We have called our Strategy ‘Building on Strong Foundations’ as this is exactly what we are doing.
Whilst we are a modern, forward thinking organisation we have a proud history of over 150 years of supporting people in need and we will continue to build on the legacy of our founder and all those that have worked tirelessly for the Trust over the last century and a half. You can read our strategy by clicking on the PDF icon on the left.