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Strategic goals in our five year strategy

Further to the previous news launching our new five year strategy, we wanted to talk a bit more about the key areas of focus and our goals for the next five years.

Be a great place to work

Our staff and volunteers are one of our greatest assets and we recognise how important they are and the impact they have on our residents and all the people they care for. We want people to have a great place to call home and receive the best care and support they need, so investing in our staff is of high importance to us now, and for the future.

Unfortunately recruiting and retaining staff has become a challenge for most sectors across the UK, with turnover in the social care sector being around 31%. We are striving to reduce staff turnover to 20% across the Trust through a range of ‘employer of choice’ initiatives.

We want to make sure that we attract and keep the best staff by adopting the real living wage and create a clear career progression programme. We also aim to create a diverse, inclusive and informed workforce and culture. In addition, we will launch an active volunteering and work experience programme.

For more information about working for us click here

Be the best we can be - Corporate, Social and Environmental

Although over the past five years we have already committed to a range of quality standards, pledges, and developed internal improvement plans to help us continually improve, we know that in the coming years, it is essential that we catch up and excel in reducing our environmental impact as well as better demonstrating our social impact.

We want to extend our influence within the housing and social care sector at local and national level whilst measuring and reporting our social impact - that is the effect on people and communities that happens as a result of our action/activities.

We are also developing a ‘Go Green Strategy’ which sets out our commitment to environmental sustainability and improved affordability for our residents and the Trust.

Provide homes for the future

The oldest charity in our family has been providing homes since 1650, and today we are one of the largest Almshouse charities in the UK. However, we know that people’s needs and wants are changing and many older people want a home that can adapt as their needs change, rather than move to a more specialist environment.

Many of our homes are ageing and are not equipped to meet the needs of future generations of older people so we will begin a programme of remodelling and replacing our homes with homes and communities of the future that will continue to be in demand and fit for purpose.

We want to replace a minimum of 10 existing homes and build 62 new homes over the next five years and extend our family of charities by becoming a corporate trustee of housing charities that are at risk of dissolution or takeover; protecting their unique identity, whilst enabling us to ensure that the homes and sites they provide are fit for the future.

Create opportunities that help people to achieve their potential and thrive

Part of our Vision is of a future where all people are part of a thriving community and have opportunities to achieve their full potential so we are putting a number of strategies in place to make sure we meet this goal, including reducing the barriers (real or perceived) to accessing our services.

We aim to make better use of our buildings and grounds, creating green spaces that encourage exercise and community cohesion. In addition we plan to develop opportunities for our residents and clients to participate in our volunteering and work experience programme, including a Peer Mentoring Project for our new residents and an intergenerational buddying programme.

We will grow the support we offer to people through Technology & Enabled Care Services and appoint a Community Fundraiser who will generate approximately £250,000 towards our initiatives during the life of the Strategy.

The housing and support we provide will be expanded to include working age adults through relevant grant/tender activity, partnerships and/or investment in the development of intergenerational communities.

Increase the services and support we provide to children and young people

Our last, but hugely important strategy goal is to return to offering direct support to young people for the first time since the closure of our orphanage and school in 1959.

We will build a minimum of six brand new one-bedroom apartments (almshouses) for young people from Birmingham and Solihull who are care leavers or young people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. in addition to creating and piloting two training flats for young people.

We are also launching a brand new community based support service for young people aged 13-25 who are in care or care experienced and not engaged or at risk of not being engaged in education, employment or training. We will help support them to navigate the world of education, employment, training, business start-up and skills development.

More news on the new Young People’s service will be announced very soon. For more information have a look at the Young People section of our website.

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