Annual Review
2018 - 2019
We are delighted to share our Review of the year April 2018 to March 2019.
This is the first time we have created and published a report of this kind and we hope that you find it really informative. The Report provides information on the following:
Our achievements against our Strategic Goals and Objectives
The key findings from the Housing Residents Survey
A compilation of the monthly Care Services Residents Survey
Property Services Performance data
The support we have provided to young people
A review of Complaints and lessons learnt
Our Strategic Priorities for the current year (19-20)
Areas all of the above have highlighted where we could improve and how we have/will do better in these areas
We hope that you find this a very friendly way of sharing a lot of really valuable information and it is something that we will build on for next year.
We would like to thank all of our supporters, residents, trustees, volunteers and staff for the support they provide. Without you, we would not be able to make the difference to the lives of people we support.
Click below to access the document.