175th Birmingham Brownies
Recently, the 175th Birmingham Brownies came to visit residents at our Alexandra House site. The Brownies performed a selection of songs for our residents, saving the classic Edelweiss until last. The songs were action based, allowing residents to join in!

Heres what Coral Redpath, Brown Owl had to say...

"We are the 175th Birmingham St Marys Brownies and we feel that it is important for our girls to grow up being aware of the community around them. and to always do their best to help others.
Some of our girls have older relatives but some don't, and this was the chance for them to get to know and enjoy the company of older people. The girls chose lots of action songs so that everyone could join in and they finished with Edelweiss which we knew some of the residents would like.
One Brownie was so looking forward to coming that she made some gingerbread biscuits to give to the residents. The Brownies really enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to visiting again after Christmas!"